What Does a Donation Cover?
At Redtwist we strive to create searing hot drama, from bold new works to obscure buried treasures, that build empathy, dissects cruelty, and reveal broader truths. Your donation supports the production of live theatrical performances, the creation of cultural events, and the education of our artists, patrons, and the broader community on topical issues and fantastic imaginings.
In the coming year, your funds help support:
The work of over 100 dedicated artists and designers who bring stories to our intimate black box theater in the Byrn Mawr Historic District.
The growth of a vibrant and diverse ensemble of artists, dedicated to telling bold and challenging stories, from Larry Kramer’s classic tale of survival The Normal Heart, the world premiere of Jacqueline Goldfinger’s Bottle Fly, and our first ever Twisted Play Festival, which celebrates Chicago voices.
And, most vitally, keeping Redtwist thriving and our productions affordable for everyone.
Redtwist Theatre is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your gift may be tax-deductible. To that end, Redtwist provides all donors with an official letter of confirmation, and we encourage donors to talk to a tax professional about deducting their gift from their annual taxes.